These are specially made gaffs, or replicas, of shrunken human bodies. They are NOT real.
This is a replica of a female mummified body inspired by the practices of the Jivaroan peoples of Ecuador. This came from a private collection in Toronto, Ontario. The age and provenance is unknown.
There are a few cracks located at: the elbow and armpit of the left arm, the armpit of the right arm, and the right lower back. It is missing the right pinky toe. There are three missing toe nails and four missing fingernails.
Length: 51 cm
Width across shoulders: 12 cm
Leg Length: 26 cm
Arm Length: 18.5 cm
Weight: 610 g
For sale in Canada only.
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This item is sold by Chichester Canada, Inc.
HST Registration #: 83256 3837 RT0001